17 5 月 Latest major game updates on Exobots
Hello, dear community!
In this post we are going to detail as much information as possible about the new Exobots update that will soon be available on your mobile devices, so stay tuned to read everything that is coming:
Play to Earn will start with this update. Players will be able to earn $EXOS by ranking. The higher you are before the Reset you will get the rewards corresponding to that season.
We are pleased to introduce new currency’s in-game to improve the progress of your account. The currency’s are the following:
- ExoCredit: equivalent to gold. This currency is obtained by playing games in Exobots. It has a daily limit system so it is not farmeable through bots.
- Exonite: can be acquired with $EXOS through the marketplace, this currency is used to speed up some in-game mechanics.
We will explain in more detail the exact uses of these currency’s soon.
In addition to all these improvements we felt it was necessary to have a constant progression with your Exobots and that is why we bring the Experience (EXP) and Card Points (CP).
Each game played will grant you EXP for your Exobots which will level up to the maximum level of that season. Each level will improve the combat Stats but not the attributes of your Exobot. This will make that as you advance in levels, your HP, DEF, AP, SPD and CRIT points will increase. EXP, ExoCredit and CP have a daily limit.
Each game won will grant you CP. These CP will fill a progress bar in the items section of the Exobot’s card. Once it is full, you will unlock that slot and the next progress bar will start to fill up, and so on until the 5 available slots are completed. Each slot will allow you to equip a new item, so it is important to show your mastery in combat to always win. NOTE: Once these slots are unlocked they will be unlocked forever in that Exobot.
The Gacha system is the opening of the chests to be able to obtain equipable items for our Exobots. After saving a certain amount of ExoCredits, you will be able to open one of these chests and it will give you the possibility to obtain items of up to 3 different qualities: common, epic and legendary.
After creating all the cards, we felt that there was little freedom in the optimization of the Exobots and that is why we bring the new system of items where you will have freedom, within the available objects, to customize your Exobots and adapt them to your favorite game mode.
These items will be equipable in a new tab in the Exobot’s card. The slot system allows you to equip up to 5 items per Exobot. These slots can be unlocked with ‘Card Points’. These items can be unequipped to take them to another Exobot but the same item will never be available for two Exobots at the same time. To understand it better, here is an example:
- You have a common and legendary quality item that improves your ‘Laser recoil’ card by adding more damage on hit, in this case you will not be able to equip both items at the same time and you will have to choose one.
There is no limit to the quality that you can equip, that is to say, you can equip up to 5 legendary items on the same Exobot if you are lucky enough.
These items will be reflected on the card in a new section at the bottom of the card. We are looking for simplicity so that players can easily detect which cards have improvements and read them as well as possible.
For the team, making the game look professional and beautiful is paramount, and is a constantly evolving task.
We felt that there was an excess of ‘CloseUp’ attacks which took up the whole screen but were not impactful enough and that’s why we’ve made some important changes.
We have reduced the number of ‘CloseUp’ attacks to a few and we have implemented many more attacks on the board itself as well as adding a new animation mode which we have named ‘Vignette’.
What we are looking for with this type of animations is to not interfere so much in the progress of the battle and make it feel more linear.
We have also improved the animations exponentially, simplifying them for new players and we have also improved the art style of them, making them more in line with the current state of the game. Here are a couple of examples:
Despite all this, our ‘CloseUp’ are still present in the game although we have improved them a lot, as they are now much more impressive (but we are not going to make spoilers, we want you to enjoy them live).
In addition, we have redesigned both the menu and the interface completely, now it is much more attractive, simple and comprehensive, following the same line as other similar games on the market.