13 12 月 Exobots Marketplace Update
Greetings to everyone!
We have new information about the Exobots Marketplace which is about to come out of the oven. It has been a year of hard development to get it ready on time with many of the features we wanted to bring.
Our idea has always been to gamify as much as possible the NFT creation process in order to bring web2 players to the web3 world. We also wanted to connect both worlds and allow players from these two modalities to compete against each other, without forgetting the ‘Play and earn’ component which is only available for web3 players.
In this article, we are going to make a conceptual tour of how the Exobots Marketplace will work and the functionalities that will be available in the first release. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as there is much more to come.
For now the only option to connect to the Marketplace will be through your own Metamask. To connect the Marketplace with the game we will work with a login and account linking system. The window we will use will be the following:
To access you must enter your e-mail and click on ‘Send Code’, and immediately after you will receive a code in your e-mail that you must enter on this screen and, after that, you will be logged in. NOTE: This process must be done in the Marketplace the first time you are going to access to link your Metamask wallet to your e-mail.
After this linking, the NFTs you have in the game will appear in the Marketplace and vice versa.
The customization options in the Marketplace will allow you to change your Nickname, link your e-mail account, use a referral code (yes, we will talk about this later but we have implemented a Content Creator Program for influencers), view your inventory or see which Exobots you have for sale.
The information you will find in the preview will be the Exobot’s ID, the Core it has according to the genes, the amount of Merges available and the tier quality it has (we will update on this later with an extensive post in the Whitepaper), the price of the Exobots in EXOS and its equivalent in dollars, as well as a preview with its global stats.
When you click on the Exobot you want to check, the information will be much more detailed. You will also find a button with which you can buy the Exobot in question (or unlist if you are the owner of the Exobot).
We will be able to see their fully detailed parts which will provide us with 12 playable cards. We will also be able to see their Ascendants and Descendants.
And we couldn’t miss an informative table with the Exobot routines.
After buying or selling an Exobot in the Marketplace, it will automatically show up in game or disappear from it.
The word Merge is the one chosen by the Exobots team to call the process of creating new robots, which in other games is known as Breeding.
For now the Merge feature will not be available in the Marketplace because we want to make it more immersive in the game, so we have worked hard to give a flow to the creation of NFTs from the game itself. For this you must buy, from your menu, a capsule in the Marketplace with EXOS. This currency will be used in-game to create new robots, and next we will show you some mock-ups of how it will work, although we leave some features for you to find out when you do it in-game.
To merge it will be necessary to have enough balance of the capsule previously purchased in the Marketplace. After that, you will be able to create your Exobot in the game and it will automatically show up in the Marketplace.
We expect the Marketplace to be ready during the month of December with all these features available, but for now we have decided to launch it on Testnet for at least 3-4 weeks.
What we are aiming for is to test these functions and correct potential bugs or exploits.
During these weeks you will be able to interact directly with the Marketplace and use all the functions that will be available in the future exactly as if it were on the mainnet. If you merge in the game or if you buy and sell NFT you can see it reflected on the game.
For more information about BNB Chain’s Testnet, please visit this link: https://docs.bnbchain.org/docs/BSCtestnet/
To interact with this network you must configure your Metamask. We look forward to you testing all the features available on TestNet and ultimately on our final Marketplace!
Since the beginning of Exobots in December 2021, it was clear that the transition to beta would happen when the players’ assets were the NFTs themselves, so now Exobots is finally in Beta stage thanks to the arrival of the marketplace and the NFTs.
This is an important milestone as players need to log in to their user accounts and it will be the first time that an identity is created for the players.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: All data from the beta stage of the marketplace will be deleted at the end of the testing phase, so players may have to create a new account at the end of this period.
After testing our marketplace and being able to fix any bugs we may find, the NFTs and trading in the main net will be enabled, so the ‘play and earn’ events will start and the marketplace will be available for Exobots trading, along with more things that will arrive during Q1 of 2023.
Leagues and more tournaments will also take place, allowing the players will be able to show who are the best in every season!
A small leak! Well, this Exobot is anything but small. Scrapmaster is ready to jump to the sand of the roads of the world of Metron City. Scrapmaster has the ability to protect its fellow Exobots with shields and damage reductions; an ally you’ll want to have in your squad without any doubt.
We will show you more as the weeks go by, but be prepared to fight it soon!
What is the Testnet good for?
- Create your test address and get your testnet funds.
- Develop applications and try tutorials on BNB Smart Chain without the potential to lose your own assets.
- Test your applications against new versions of BNB Smart Chain.
- Analyze blockchain data on a smaller, non-trivial data set compared to the public network.
How to get Testnet Fund?
In order to interact with the Marketplace you will need BNB to pay for the gas and BUSD that will act, during the period in Testnet, as an EXOS token.
The Testnet faucet for BNB Chain can be accessed https://testnet.bnbchain.org/faucet-smart
Tutorial: How to Connect MetaMask to BSC Testnet